Mission To Remarry Chapter 221

Mission To Remarry

Chapter 221

After heading home that night, Roxanne only told Lysa she needed to run an errand and asked her to ta ke care of Archie and Benny. When she returned to her room, she bought the tickets for herself and Lar ry to take the plane early the next morning.

Roxanne woke up the following morning and merely packed up her things before leaving for the airport.

Once she stepped out of her house, Roxanne saw Larry waiting at the entrance.

“I thought it might be inconvenient for you to drive. Therefore, I drop by to pick you up.”

Then, Larry opened his car door.

With a simple thank-you, Roxanne sat inside his car.

Both of them chatted during the car ride.


suddenly recalled something and asked the man beside her out of curiosity, “Larry, I remembered you o nly stayed in Chanaea briefly before going abroad to work back then. How long is your stay this time?”

Larry replied smilingly, “I originally planned to leave, but you should know why I didn’t. It’s because of m y elder’s surgery that my departure got delayed.”

It occurred to Roxanne that Larry did mention he intended to go overseas the last time they met.

It was just that the

elderly had been out of surgery and was recovering well according to his words. Nonetheless, Larry did n’t mention anything about leaving the country. Instead, he had begun to participate in Chanaea’s medi cal conference.

Roxanne couldn’t help but feel baffled. She asked persistently, “When do you plan on leaving this time? I’ll see you off.”

Larry’s brows furrowed slightly. “I’m not leaving.”

Roxanne appeared quite flabbergasted by his answer. “Why? Haven’t you always liked the academic se tting abroad? Moreover, you should be more accustomed to the research environment there.”

To her knowledge, Larry had always studied abroad ever since he entered the medical industry.

I wonder why he suddenly decided to stay this time.

Larry’s gaze turned gentle when he made eye contact with her. “It’s mainly because of you.”

Roxanne couldn’t help but be taken aback by his response.

“After coming back this time, I discovered that the overall environment in Chanaea is very encouraging. For example, the specialists in the country cooperated well with you in the last surgery you performed. That’s why I also plan to stay here to develop my career further for some time. If

I can’t blend in, I can always go aboard anytime,” Larry tenderly explained to her.

Roxanne inexplicably

let out a sigh of relief upon listening to his statement. She inclined her head while smiling. “Since you’re so remarkable, I guess many hospitals must be coveting you when you decided to remain in Chanaea t o develop your career.”

Although Larry is young, he‘s already well-

known globally. Having him around is equivalent to having a renowned figure. I bet numerous hospitals would be vying over him.

Larry noncommittally replied while bobbing his head, “I’ve indeed received invitations from several hospi tals, hoping I could work for them. The salary offered to me is rather handsome. Thus, I’m considering t heir proposals.”

“If you want to join one of the hospitals in Horington, I might be able to offer some suggestions,” Roxann e initiated. “In order to make plans for future collaboration, my research inst*itute has recently done som e investigation on a majority of the acclaimed hospitals in the city.”

Larry certainly wouldn’t refuse her kind gesture.

Right until the time they boarded the plane, both of them were discussing the reputable hospitals in Horington.

It was noon when their plane landed in Bellridge.

Right after they exited the airport, they immediately boarded the event organizer’s car and arrived at a hotel where they would be staying.

As the conference would only begin in the afternoon, there was still ample time for them to rest.

After Roxanne returned to the country with Larry, they basically stayed in Horington the entire time. See ing that it was a rare

opportunity for them to come to Bellridge, she seized the chance to do shopping nearby the event venu e since it wasn’t time for lunch.

After lunch, they returned to their respective hotel rooms to get ready for the conference in the afternoon.

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