He’s My Alpha by Cassandra M Chapter 15

He’s My Alpha by Cassandra M (Jake & Clair)

Chapter 15


Unfortunately, sleep didn’t come.

It was almost three o’clock in the morning, and I was still wide awake. The face of the wolf that almost took my life lingered in every corner of my room.

When I couldn’t take it anymore, I stood up from my bed and went to my dresser, and took Jake’s shirt that I had placed in there without even washing it. It was the one I put on after I shifted, hoping his scent would calm me down enough for sleep to take over.

And then, for the first time since I came back, I drew the curtains closed, putting the room into total darkness.

I wasted no time and lay in my bed, closing my eyes and pulling my blanket over my head, ready to put my mind in the blanks when a mindlink startled me. ‘Are you awake?’ A voice came into my head.

‘Jake? Why are you still awake? It’s three in the morning.’ I pulled my blanket down from my head and openly stared at the dark ceiling.

I heard him chuckle before answering. ‘Do you really expect an Alpha to sleep peacefully in his bed after a breach of his territory?’

I scrunched up my nose when I realized how pathetic my question was. ‘Yeah, apparently I’ve been out of my head and not using logic. How’s it going? Do you know who attacked us?1

‘We’ve been working the whole night to find out, and the wolf we captured hasn’t broken yet.

Hopefully, he will soon. It could be just a random rogue attack or could be deeper. Either way, we need to be more careful. I don’t want this to happen again and put everyone at risk.’

I bit my lower lip, feeling guilty and embarra*s*sed at the same time. I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

‘How are you, Clair?’ He asked me, his voice laced with concern.

I swallowed before I answered. ‘I guess I am okay. Are you going to scold me as well? I had enough from Aaron already.’ I answered softly, not knowing how to handle this conversation.

‘I can’t blame him. It was stupid what you did there. But I’m glad you’re not harmed. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to you.’ The last one made butterflies flutter in my stomach. He sounded broken while saying it. Maybe he did care for me more than I thought.

‘Me too…’ I smiled despite the guilt and found myself hugging my pillow tightly, closing my eyes. ‘Do you want to sleep now, or maybe we can talk more? I just need a little breather from all this.1 He asked. His voice sounded as if he was pleading.

‘Talk? Like, mind talking the whole night? You know, I still feel weird about this mind-talking.’ I chuckled, but the truth was, I could do this mind talk all night long if it meant being able to communicate with him.

‘I’m outside your window. Come out and sit me here.’

‘You’re what?!’ I gasped in surprise. Was it real or was he playing mind games with me?

I shoved the blanket off my body and rose from my bed, tiptoeing my way to the window. I slowly slid the curtain away and peered outside my window without making any noise.

I doubted if he was really here.

But there he was, sitting on the roof outside my window, with his back to me. I tried to steady my erratically beating heart while I stared at him. The moon cast a shadow on him, and it just made him look more mysterious and alluring.

I drew my curtain fully to the side and opened my window slowly. I climbed out of it and gently walked to the roof outside while trying my best not to make too much noise. I hoped Dad was already fast asleep and wouldn’t hear any movement at all. “Hi…” My voice came out throaty as I sat beside him, all the while my stomach kept rumbling in excitement.

He didn’t look back and remained seated. My arm brushed his slightly, which was enough to send tingles all over my body. It was only then that he tilted his head to look at me.

He was smiling, a smile that actually reached his eyes.

I licked my lips at the sight of his deep dimples. Damn, I miss this smile from him!

My heart was hammering in my chest. No matter how much I tried to control it, it wouldn’t calm down, and I knew Jake could hear it as well.

“Hello there, little one.” He greeted me back without taking his eyes off my face, and I felt uneasy. In my excitement to come out of the window, I didn’t even check what I looked like. Maybe my hair was sticking out everywhere or I had drool on the corner of my mouth.

I scrunched up my nose and brushed my hands across my face, pretending to be annoyed, but in reality, I was just wiping away any traces of drool, crumbs, or whatever, if there were any.

“I’m not so little anymore, just so you know,” I told him in a soft voice before pulling my knees up and resting my elbows on them while my hands brushed my arms to calm the goosebumps rising from my skin because of the tingles I felt all over my body.

“I’m sorry I disturbed your night.”

“I couldn’t sleep. So this is better than staring at my ceiling for hours.”

He looked at my arm before he moved closer, snaking an arm around me. He then began to rub my arm with his callous palm before asking, “Are you cold?”

I closed my eyes as I reveled in his warmth. It’s not every day I can sit and be held like this by the Alpha.

It felt good.

“A little,” I answered.

“Better?” He pulled me closer to his side, making the side of my body lean against his as he continued to smooth his hand over my arm.

I nodded as my body started to relax. I leaned my head on his shoulder, enjoying his warmth. We didn’t talk for a moment, he was just holding me close, and I couldn’t be more content than I felt right now as if I was meant to be in his arms.

“Thank you.” I closed my eyes and inhaled more of his scent. I could not get enough of him.

“Anything to keep you warm, princess.” His breath ran over my face.

He was so close, and it was too overwhelming.

“I mean for saving me. Earlier. Thank you. I was scared…” I spoke in a low voice, my voice almost breaking, and before I knew it, soft sobs escaped my throat.

All the brave front I put up started collapsing.

Everything is just sinking in now. Because of my stupidity and irrational thinking, I almost died. I almost lost everything, including this moment with him and what more life could offer me.

Thank you for sticking with this book and reaching this far. I hope to give you more!

Feedback, good or bad, is appreciated!

xoxo, Cassandra M

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