Alpha’s Virgin Wife Chapter 176

Alpha’s Virgin Wife by Baby Charlene

Chapter 176 The f0rce Against Her Palm

Still watching through the keyhole, Cami heard some footsteps behind from behind and turning in the dark, she noticed someone walking through.

Oh, no…! She’d be dead if she gets caught.

Quickly, she looked around for a place to hide and speed-ran over there, just behind some boxes. Thank the goddess the tunnel was dark.

Lord Ryder, on the other hand, was so sure someone was around the door as his instincts had been alerted. Who was it?? He thought ragingly.

Turning away from the coffin and storming towards the door, he opened it and was relived to find Draco in front of him.

“Greetings, My Lord” Draco bowed immediately. “Hope I’m not disturbing?”

Lord Ryder said nothing as he looked around to be sure that was the presence he had felt. Draco was his most trusted and he was so sure nothing could ever go wrong with him.

“What is the problem, Draco?” He looked at him and asked as he walked back to the room while the young man followed.

“There is no problem, My Lord. Just a letter from the Alpha King”.

That name – Alpha King – had always been a threat to Ryder. Snappily, he whipped his head to look at him.

“What letter?” He asked, beady-eyed. And Draco pulled out the letter from his pocket and handed over to him.

He watched his Master run his eyes through the letter and wore a slightly muddled look afterwards.

“He’s calling for an urgent meeting?” He scoffed, done reading the letter. “Why?”

“I do not know for sure, My Lord. But I have a feeling he wants to launch the attack on the witches, thus, needs to hold a general meeting” Draco replied and that alone brought a thin smile on Ryder’s face. Exactly what he wanted to hear.

“That is an option. It’s a good thing he finally decided to launch the attack after his brother was hit” He chortled dirtily and tore the letter.

“Get the horses ready,, then. Let’s ride to the Wind Walker Mountain”.




Shilah laid on the bed, resting and reading a book in the calm nature of the King’s chambers. The King was having a meeting and after eating and sleeping enough, all she could think of was reading a book to calm herself. Afterwards, she planned on going to have a chat with Dyani.

She soon let out a slight grunt when she felt the baby kick so hard.

“Can you just stay still?” She grumbled and adjusted on the bed. That should be the fifth time the baby was making a ball of her tummy in the past thirty minutes.

She smiled and rubbed her hand around the big round bump, feeling so delighted to have such experiences. The baby kicked again, this time around, against her palm. And she chuckled.


Engrossed in the interesting book, she felt disturbed when the door went open. She thought it was the King, but was wrong when she looked and discovered it was Queen Chaska.

Chaska walked in with a bowl of mixed sliced fruits with the intention of giving it to the King, but paused at the door on noticing Shilah on the bed.

Her heart twitched heavily, being disgusted at the sight of Shilah laying so comfortably on the bed. Just like a dream, this lady had swiftly snatched everything from her and taken over the King’s bed. That bed… that same bed that had always been for her was now permanently occupied by the intruder.

By the existence of the moon, she was going to make this lady pay for every pain and humiliation she made her p@ssthrough. Definitely.

Shilah became uneasy finding her there in the room and quickly sat up.

“Greetings, Queen Chaska” She bowed, still sitting on the bed.

Chaska glared irritatingly at her and looked around. “Where is the King?” She asked.

“He’s having a meeting, My Queen, but should be back soon” Shilah answered warmly, although, clearing noticing the irk in the Queen’s eyes.

“I see” Chaska scoffed. “And you’re keeping yourself busy with some books. How perfect”.

In addition, she had always wondered how Shilah was able to read and write. Someone from a regular family?

“Anyway, I came over to give this to the King. When he comes, you make sure it gets to him and him alone” she warned strictly, making it obvious she didn’t want Shilah to share in her stress.

“I’ll do just that” Shilah replied, still on the bed.

“What’re you doing? Come get it from me” Chaska scoffed, amusing Shilah.

Not wanting to start a fight, she stood up to take the plate. And as she did, Chaska couldn’t help but glare so angrily at the baby bump in front of her.

If only she could just hit it so hard and escape. But that would be pointless as she might end up losing the King forever.

Taking the plate from her, Shilah placed it on the King’s table and was about returning to the bed to sit when she felt that familiar f0rce hit her both palms.

“Ah!!” She screamed and plonked on the bed, holding the hands tightly.

Chaska was surprised and for some reasons, wanted to hold her and ask what the problem was, but the detestful part of her wouldn’t let her and so, she just stood and watched with furrowed brows.

It hurt badly, Shilah winced in more pains. She really couldn’t comprehend why she’d been having that experience in the last seven months. Her palms would unusually get hit in such a painful way that would make her think they were about tearing apart. It was more like… something was moving in it and wanted to burst out.

Last time it happened, she had even gone to Mato who checked both palms and reported he couldn’t see anything. He applied some herbs on them which Shilah was badly hoping would work. But there it was, happening again.

She closed her eyes and took in several deep breaths, trying to stomach the pains. And finally, they seized.

Then, she opened her eyes to behold Chaska staring crankily at her.

“I wish that pain was coming from your tummy” She mumbled and was about turning to the door to leave when the King walked in.

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